Hair Wars LV


*******Hair Wars is a hair infused battle usually between local salons. Originally starting in Detroit night clubs in the 80’s by DJ “Hump the Grinder” Since then these Hair Team throw downs have gone nation wide, giving any salon willing to compete the platform to stand on and shine.*********

The Morning Dash…

Waking up on a Sunday morning to enjoy a freshly squeezed mimosa is something we look forward to at the airport.  No matter where our Hair-Venture takes us this remains our airport ritual. …even if it is 6am.

But this particular morning  for Carrie was right out of an American Horror Story episode, filled of panic and horror.

She neglected to complete the Hair-venture Checklist prep and decided she would just wake up, grab coffee and casually pack in the morning.

Instead, she awoke to Erin’s distressed 5:45am text messages…warning her we needed to board an 8am flight. Skipping the coffee and stuffing a week’s worth of clothing into a tiny bag, she jumped into my car wearing a bed head braid and praying she remembered underwear and hot pink lipstick.

Once united with her fellow nerds and our first time traveler Neil (stay tuned for his travel account), our tradition remained unbroken, boarding with full intentions of bloody marys and catching up on free reality TV on Jet Blue all the way to Vegas.


Our New Successory

Our friend, Neil, witnessed the creation and evolution of The Hair Nerds, and we have been promising to take him on a Hair-Venture for ages.  He recently began contributing to the site so we though Vegas would be the perfect place to throw him in..sink or swim!

Neil decided if he was coming he was bringing his new camera that he had been dying to express himself with and promised amazing Vegas pics. We were down and knew this would be the perfect venue for him to spread his wings.




What Happens in Vegas... Will End Up HERE

Arriving in Las Vegas we were greeted by a Palms Attendant, Adam. He was easy on the eyes and strong enough to  carry all of our bags to the car :: Swoon :: .



We chatted about all the exciting up coming events planned for the Palms in 2013 and got a mini tour on our way there.

Once checked in, we enjoyed our beautifully renovated room and started the process for the evening. Hair, Food & Rest!

I don’t think we have ever been in a hotel together without foils being placed or extensions being adjusted, it’s just what we do.

All dressed up and ready to go we started our way over to the Ghost Bar.


Neil had fun with us shooting us with cool backgrounds..

Little did we know he would hit the ground running, snapping shots of Vegas life from elevator shots of sweet little ladies to savage party goers .


Shaila… (We have a girl crush on her)


We arrived and were escorted to our table with the perfect view of all the Hair Wars competitors. (9GroupVegas was incredible!)

Each salon had nailed the Snow White theme and instantly we felt the anxiety of having to choose a winner to receive $1,000 cash and bragging rights.

We gulped down a drink and decided to meet each team to get a closer look.  The salons took great care with even the tiniest details.

As we sipped our vodka and indulged in our sweet swag bags...

DJ Lisa Pittman was tearing it up. (Try not to fall in love with this woman.. Virtually impossible!)

Watching everyone party it up, we  noticed a “wild n crazy guy” dancing with himself as if he had entire Ghost Bar enjoying his every move.

As our laughs got louder,  he seemed to get closer and closer finally ending up in Carrie’s lap confessing his undying love for her. Forgetting what his mother taught him about personal space, lead to uncomfortable and awkward moments at poor Carrie’s expense…. (But very enjoyable for everyone else!)

Barely escaping with her life we all went to out to get some refreshing air on the top of the Palms tower.  The GhostBar is situated on the 55th floor of The Palms and offers the best views of the city.  Do NOT come to Las Vegas without spending an evening hanging out in this super cool space.

Blueberry Stoli shots appeared from the heavens… actually Jared brought them over, BUT he was an angelic vision!


After chatting with all the teams and admiring all of their hard work, we knew we had to put our big girl panties on and make a decision.  It was really hard because we are hairdressers and saw such creativity in each piece… at one point Erin was ready to just write everyone a $1,000 check from her account so we could declare it a tie! #JudgingMeltdown


In the end, Josephine Skaught was our #1 !


The Winner’s Circle….

As the night started to trickle down, we chatted with the Josephine Skaught Salon’s owner, Skaught Gibson and his team. Their excitement from winning was inspiring and their passion for hair was infectious. Each of them talked about the salon as if it were their own, taking enormous pride in their accomplishment.

What started as a quick conversation at the bar turned into a laugh infused adventure all the way down to the lobby floor.


We said our goodbyes and headed to the Salsa Bar to cheer the amazing night we had and toast with our “final final” of the evening.

We spent less than 24 hours in Vegas, but we can without a doubt confess we enjoyed every second of it!


Be sure and follow all our new friends!!

Josephine Skaught Hairdressing

ghostbar facebook

9 group facecook

Twitter: @GhostBarLV @PALMS @N9neGroup