Our best experiences at Premiere Orlando 2018


Premiere Orlando is premo stalking grounds for your favorite hairlebrities and product companies alike. We had two of our Hair Nerd Contributors — Alyssa Hrisko and Kat T.V. at ground zero checking it all out for us. Premiere Orlando is considered the best show of the year by many industry professionals and every year, they prove that right again and again. With an overwhelming amount of class room education to hands on – top stage performances – and a show floor you could get lost in (thank goodness for the app) this show is one we never try to miss.

Here are some of Alyssa and Kat’s top experiences from the show!


A: Colortrak colortrak colortrak! Seriously it may seem silly but those glitter brushes are my real life grown up version of a magic wand that I always wanted as a kid. Just looking at them makes me happy when I color.

A & K: Meeting an amazing young hairdresser in real life (Instagram friends) and seeing how excited she was blew me away. Hearing that we are just the same “live” as we are online was very humbling in the best way to hear.

K: Being at a show with all my favorite hair-people that I typically only get to stalk online… including Ricky Zito! (I.E. Premier Orlando is the best stalking grounds around)

A: Listening to Candi Shaw speak about hiring happy. I love that she spoke on giving people license to be creative but also reminding us to set the standard and keep that bar high.

K: Having opportunities to receive education from my hair-hero, Sam Villa

A: Meeting (and perhaps terrifying) Sonya Dove in person. She is the epitome of who and where I want my career to grow and having her take the time to stop give us hugs, love, and words of motivation, I will NEVER forget that.

K: Dance Parties with Kim Vo!!


A & K: Just seeing so many hair stylists from all over all in the same place at the same time. No matter where they are in their lives or their careers (new, veteran, ready to retire) we all showed up and said “I am here and I am investing in myself and my education.”



Make sure to stay up to date for next years fun here! Don’t want to wait.. check out Premiere Philadelphia