WNDRLND the Movement
Justin Emanuel and Caitlyn Duffy of Bad Taste Hair Co. recently interviewed Burke and Kristo of Melrose and McQueen.
Bt: We are here with Kristo and Burke from Melrose and McQueen. We have all seen your RV Donna, but tell us a little bit about WNDRLND and what you guys hope to achieve.
Burke: We went on a 2015 tour with WNDRLND to different salons around the Southeast and now we are taking this thing back on the road to do a Northeast tour in the Spring. We are going to see what falls.
BT: What cities will you get to and what will you be bringing them?
Kristo: This tour we are hitting Birmingham, Chicago, Philly, Brooklyn and Ashville. In between we are also going to try and go back to hit Nashville, it’s always nice to go back and say hey to people we saw during our last tour. St. Louis, Cleveland, Raleigh and Charlotte, as well. Charlotte has been reaching out a lot we have been really trying to get back to them. We are all like minded people and want to hang out with them so if they are reaching out we just say “Yeah definitely, we want to come hang out with you!” So we are going to be doing that this year.
BT: Are you teaching anything specific or are you gearing it more towards what salons want?
Burke: I think the biggest appeal with what WNDRLND does is that we really take time to get to know the stylists, break down barriers, and experience their style. We take what we see, what hear, the salons culture and incorporate that into what we teach in the class. Classes aren’t specific, we have our fundamentals that we teach, but we gear our classes towards what the stylists want and need.
BT: How are you guys promoting WNDRLND, a specific website, social media, or word of mouth?
Kristo: We use all aspects, but we really try to keep it as guerilla as possible. We feel that if we are doing what we are suppose to be doing, which is just sharing our knowledge. The way we feel, when we are inviting other people on, we just want to create (not a new) culture, but a culture that exists already that talks within itself. That’s all we are really trying to do. We stay off of major things and just talk. We do reach out to people, but it’s more word of mouth, just like any clientele.
BT: Last question! What’s your favorite whiskey?
Burke: PBR!
Kristo: (laughs) PBR!!! 1986 Spring break, this is amazing! Pearl Jams awesome! Fuck Nirvana!