Anthony Cress
Anthony Cress has tried pretty much everything to evade The Nerds over the years… Long beard and mustache, cropped ultra blonde hair, the list goes on and on. Though his efforts have been valiant, we maintain our super stalker tendencies and tracked this master of disguise down to chat about his most recent NAHA nomination.
Since its humble beginnings in 1989, NAHA finalists and industry elite have brought this iconic photographic beauty competition to new heights year after year. NAHA continues to recognize the beauty industry’s most talented artists and advance the careers of stylists around the world. Nothing makes us happier than meeting artists we REALLY want to root for… Good people who love the industry, value education and aren’t afraid to put in the hard work.
What one word describes how you felt when you wrapped your NAHA shoot?
How does competing help you as an artist?
I look at NAHA as a battleground and competition with nobody else but myself. Every time I enter it’s about pushing myself in a way I haven’t in the past and being better that I was before.
Biggest worry about the night? Is it what to wear or acceptance speech?
For sure the biggest worry is do I have the right shoes for the outfit I want to wear. I stress about that for about a month before the night of the show.
Tell us your life story in 3 sentences.
I’ve always strived to make a living through creative means and live my life as an artist. I grow wiser every year of my life through life experiences. I will be a grouchy old man who shares his wealth of knowledge as far as I can reach.
If you weren’t doing this, what would you be doing?
If it wasn’t hair, I would be making a living through of my other hobbies music or photography.
Describe the creative journey of your NAHA shoot in emojis.
Real life advice to someone entering the world of cosmetology.
Whatever expectations you have of this industry, throw them out the window! It’s always evolving and changing, so if you come into it with a strong idea of your path, you may get disenfranchised. Set small goals for yourself 6 months at a time, eventually you’ll look back and see you’ve traveled much further than you ever thought. ALWAYS stay hungry for education because you’ll never know it all. Trends come and go, so don’t get too wrapped up in them and put all your eggs in one basket. This is an art form and craft, treat it that way!
I knew i was a Hair Nerd when…
After doing my own hair for a couple years I had friends ask me to do their hair, but it came with what THEY wanted and their limitations. It was a cool experience, but I didn’t think anything about it. It was when a friend and I were going out to some terrible club and he needed a haircut because this one girl he liked was going to be there. He desperately asked me to hook him up and gave me complete creative control. That’s when I knew I was a Hair Nerd, because he looked good, felt great, and made out with the girl he liked. Everyone’s a winner!