Erica Keelen
Erica is a NAHA 2015 Semi-finalist in the hair color category. Nothing makes us happier than meeting artists we REALLY want to root for… Good people who love the industry, value education and aren’t afraid to put in the hard work. She has worked hard to get where she is and has a laundry list of amazing work to show for it.
Describe yourself in 5 words.
Creative, Positive, ambitious, driven, mentor
What terrible hairstyles have you personally had over the years?
I’ve had them all – I’ve even tried to put extensions in my short hair.
What was your biggest F-up with a client?
Burned a hole in a bride’s veil the day of her wedding.
Real life advice to someone entering the world of cosmetology…
Be open and willing to learn, you really don’t know everything right out of school.
Beyond hair, what other creative outlets do you have?
Crafting and cooking, daydreaming and relaxing.
What advice would you give to someone wanting to enter competitions?
Give particular focus to your team’s harmony.
I knew I was a Hair Nerd when..
When I stating spending more time at the salon than at home during my free time.