How to Regain Focus
Now that salons are reopening, owners and stylists are experiencing feelings of uncertainty…abiding by new guidelines…rebooking guests…contemplating another shut down…and, these feelings can be overwhelming, if not addressed. Andrew Carruthers, education director for Sam Villa, shared proven methods for regaining focus during the last episode of “Cabin Fever with Andrew Carruthers – Regaining Focus.” Look for other mindful tips during its new timeslot on Wednesdays @ 4pm PST/7pm EST on Facebook, renamed “Wellness Wednesdays with Andrew Carruthers” VIDEO
“With so many things out of our control these days, it’s important to find a sense of direction to center your nervous system. To do that, you have to find something that you actually have control over so you can refocus your sense of balance and ground yourself,” explains Carruthers.
Carruthers’ life coach, Lyn Christian of SoulSalt, introduced him to various ways of addressing a cluttered mind – here are some to explore while striving to regain focus.
Mind Mapping – Apps like Simple Mind are a great way to analyze and structure thoughts to develop a sense of organization and control.
Prioritize Tasks – Identify tasks as either “urgent,” “important” and “important later” to better manage time and productivity.
Self-Care - Schedule mind, body and spirit rituals to promote health, balance and mental well-being.
To Do List – Create a daily to do list and manage it on an App such as Trello to identify what needs to be done, what’s being done and what is actually DONE!
“When you feel out of control, it’s hard to slow down to organize and mind map, but it’s important to recognize that if you do take that extra time, you will be more efficient, more productive and you will be more focused on the current task at hand,” adds Carruthers.
Shared by: Suzanne Quinn - President, Glow Communications