Jenn Shin


Jenn Shin is an exceptionally talented hairstylist  that lives in Maryland and has the best personality around. I had the pleasure of getting to know her a few years ago and felt it would be great to #hairnerd stalk her. In this interview I ask her questions about her schooling, owning her own business, keeping inspiration alive and much more.

– Elizabeth Smoot, Contributor


Did you always know you wanted to do hair for a living? If not, what was your biggest pull to enroll and make this your career?

I actually didn’t! I was in college studying Criminal Justice because I eventually wanted to apply to attend the FBI academy. Long story short, I had a family emergency and had stopped going to school completely. This caused a lot of financial burden on my family due to out-of-state tuition. (I am from Maryland but went to school in Virginia.) Due to this financial burden, I tried going back to school but was unable to. From that point, I really didn’t know what to do with my life- I was 20 years old. So, I applied to both culinary school and cosmetology school…. both of which were (kinda) hobbies of mine. Whichever one contacted me back first is the choice I went with LOL. I pretty much left it to fate. My Mom was diagnosed with brain cancer, which is what brought me to decide to drop out and go back home to be with her. I watched her walk around with hideous itchy wigs that she absolutelyyy hated. I knew from that point that I eventually want to make custom colored & cut wigs for cancer patients.. ones that aren’t itchy and fugly . I haven’t had the chance to learn how to make wigs quite yet but I definitely will eventually! My mom passed away while I was in hair school so I might not be able to have her wear one of my wigs, but someone out there will. Long live the Queen.


What would Now Jenn tell little Jenn on the first day of Beauty School?

1) Go to fucking school lol

2) Don’t spend all your money on Starbucks.

3) ASK QUESTIONS. (So important cuz I never did.)


What traumatic hairstyle have you been guilty of rocking? 

Oh hell no. I had a blonde pixie cut and lemme tell you. It was not blonde. It was yellow because I guess I didn’t know what toners were. I have SUPER thick coarse hair which grew out like a chia pet. I looked like a small confused Asian boy. Never again..


Tell us three super weird facts about yourself!

1) When I’m eating, I always have to plan out my bites so that everything is proportioned LOL  if I have a plate of, let’s say, 4 different food items, I have to eat them all equally so there are no uneven leftovers. I don’t even know if this makes sense and now that I have to type it out, it’s even weirder…

2) I have an unhealthy obsession with penguins. They’re SOOO Cute

3) I often imagine what I would do if a zombie apocalypse began. These thoughts occur mainly when I enter a Costco.


You are now your own boss, how has the transition from being an employee to being the employer been?

The transition is mainly mental. It’s about being able to understand what is now your responsibility that wasn’t yours before. Physically, you’re still working, but just a little bit harder now haha. Although there’s so many new things to learn and so much stress added on, i would never go back. Being a business owner or your own boss is def not for everybody, so it’s important to make sure you’re not discouraged if it doesn’t work out for you.


What’s been one of the more rewarding parts of your career so far?

One of the most rewarding feelings ever is teaching someone something and watching it click for them. They will struggle a bit at first but when they get it, it’s such an awesome accomplishment to witness. I’m a huge believer in continuing education when you can, and understanding that everyone has a different learning style is so important.


How do you stay refreshed and ready to do hair day after day?

I honestly don’t. It’s hard work, and no one realizes it until they’re behind the chair 60+ hours a week. It’s really hard to stay motivated and focused every. Single. Day. But I think as you progress with experience, it gets a bit easier to manage. I’m definitely not one of those people who are ready to go, super excited to do hair. I just find satisfaction in doing a great job correctly and being able to make clients happy- all with your reputation on the line.


Who are three Hair-Hero’s you would love to collaborate with?

⁃          @Mounir on instagram. I have so .. many questions for you…

⁃          @Famos because barbering scares me and he makes it look so easy

⁃          @guytang of course because.. who wouldn’t ?


Do you have any big plans in the future involving your career?

I am currently renting a small 200sqft studio space inside a Symmetry Salon Studios. With a growing team and growing clientele, the space is getting way too small. In about a year from now, my lease will be over and it will be time for me to move on with my next step! I’ll be expanding out into a private location to open up a salon where Jenn Shin Studios will continue to grow.


What words do you live by?

Be a good person. – such an easy concept to understand but it’s so hard for some people to execute properly. It’s so important to stay humble and to practice what you preach- all while being a good person to those around you . No one likes a sell out.


Stalk Jenn…

My website is !

@thejennshin on instagram, and Jenn Shin studios on Facebook.

You will most likely find me at my studio, a nearby target, dog park with my Dexter baby, or at home completely away from all people and things. 

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